1. Property Information

Property address

2. Purchase Information

Purchase Price


Are you using a loan?

Is your loan interest only?
Most loans are amortized so selecting "No" would be the default choice unless we are using a special interest only loan.


3. Loan Information

Loan Information

Down Payment
Most multifamily loans require 25% down or more.
Interest Rate
Most small investment loans are about .5% higher than the lowest rates being quoted on-line for houses.
Loan Term
Most loans are 30 years.


3b. Closing Costs/Immediate Capital Improvements
Closing Costs
Typically around 3% for Closing costs and add capital improvements as needed
Capital Improvements
Any immediate capital improvements needed.


4. Income Information

Income Information

Monthly Income
(rents+ any other income)
$ /month
Vacancy Rate
5% is the industry standard
Management fees
I would use around 6% of rents or a minum of $75 per unit.
$ /month


5a. Recurring Expenses

Recurring Expenses

$1200 for a duplex and $500 for each additional unit.
$ /year
HOA fees
only use this if there is a Homeowners Association
$ /month
Professional fees
This would be any accounting or legal fees
$ /month
Property Taxes
for California use 1.25%. For other areas please ask our local Real Estate Investment Team Expert.
$ /year


5b. Recurring Expenses

Recurring Expenses

The rule of thumb is 1% of the purchase price per year
$ /year
This will likely be zero accept for properties with 4 or more units
$ /month
usually $0 unless you run an ad for a vacant unit.
$ /month


5c. Recurring Expenses

Recurring Expenses

I usually use a summary amount of $125 per unit for Water, Sewer and Garbage all utilities assuming 2 bedrooms, 2 bath and + or - $25 for each additional bedroom or bath
$ /month
For larger complexes 4 units or more there may be a common water heater or house electic meter for exeterior lights Assume $150 per month if applicable. Smaller units are normally $0
$ /month
See water/Sewer tool tip or for bigger complexes use an acutal amount from the financials proivided.
$ /month
You can add any other expense not listed here.
$ /month


6. Your Information
Your Name
Email address
Are you working with one of our agents?


Your Report

Generating your custom report

Cash Flow Calculator

Understanding potential cash flow is important because it shows the actual amount of cash you have on hand monthly to:

  • Pay your regular bills (Utilities and Property Management.)
  • Pay Periodic Bills like Insurance
  • Cover one-off expenses (Repairs, and maintenance)
  • Pay your taxes.
  • Cover other operating expenses.

Depending on the buyer’s overall income and cash flow situation sometimes a short-term negative cash flow will make great sense.

If someone has a high taxable income or a strong cash position and having short-term negative cash is not a problem, our Rental Opportunity Analysis Report will help you find the best Long-Term Opportunities. Sometimes the best deals are the properties that have been managed poorly. Once they are managed properly for a year or two, the returns may far exceed those at the time of purchase.

Yes, your cash flow can be negative. If your cash flow is negative, this means your property's rent (Revenue) is not enough to cover the monthly operating costs.

Often, when you first buy a property, your cash flow will be negative. Generally speaking, rents increase over time, so you can expect your cash flow to improve a bit each year. Most expenses like your mortgage, taxes and property management tend to be static or to grow slower than the rent increase rate. You can also increase your down payment to make the cash flow better.

Yes! For example, if you run multiple cash flow scenarios on a duplex in a particular area unless the interest rates change, you will quickly discover what the breakeven GRM is for that type of property.

Once you know what the break-even GRM is you will be able to rapidly analyze properties to see which ones meet the GRM requirements.